The Moral Education of Children

Many parents are concerned about laying a good foundation for their children that they might grow to become moral, responsible adults. In part, parents often rely on Sunday school or other types of religious education to help convey the message of morality. In raising moral children, there are a few points that bear remembering.

First, child rearing is a developmental endeavor. That implies that children progress through moral stages and understandings at a certain (variable) pace. There is little evidence that children can be hurried along the developmental journey. There is a developmental track for moral development, social development, and cognitive development. All areas of development come into play in our efforts to raise moral children. Jean Piaget, the famous developmentalist, reminds us that young children have not yet arrived at the stage of formal, symbolic thought.

Many parents will attempt to moralize with children in abstract, moral discussions-suitably "watered-down," or so they think, to meet their kids where they are. However, if research on cognitive development is at all correct, it is unlikely that children are being "converted" to a moral or religious stance. They may say "yes" and seem to get the point, but it is unlikely that they do.

A much better approach is to work on actions involving simple reciprocity, things like sharing of toys and friends. Young children are naturally egocentric. By involving them in such simple understandings as "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours," children come to see simple morality as pragmatic, paving the way for the later stages when formal reasoning makes children receptive to more abstract appeals.

In terms of social development, Erik Erikson would no doubt point us to those natural conflicts that occur at each advancing stage of development. In the early stages when a child struggles between trust and mistrust, and shame and guilt vs. autonomy, children need reassurance. If they are subjected to constant moralizing and put-downs, they will likely adopt an outlook of inferiority. In addition, they will become increasing likely to look to an outside locus of control. The best way to raise autonomous, responsible adults is by acceptance as opposed to constant correction. Erikson's theory predicts that someone might "get stuck" at an early stage if that stage is not successfully navigated.

Furthermore, problems may appear during the adolescent identity crisis of even later in adulthood. Lawrence Kohlberg was a theorist of moral development. His theory reminds us that young children do not see the world in such philosophical categories as moral or immoral. Here the focus is on reward and punishment. What is good is what brings a reward. They also develop a sense of parity; one hand washes the other. "If you are nice to me, I'll be nice to you," is one of the earliest orientations. In late childhood, children reach a stage of wanting things to be fair and law-driven. Here they are concerned about following the rules. It is not until adolescence or later that kids begin to see right and wrong in truly moral terms. From this perspective, the best we can do is "play along" with development. We must never expect young children to have a truly moral view of things. This is something they are "nurtured into."

If caregivers follow the rule of gentle persuasion and fairness, children will naturally move into an understanding of morality. What about religious instruction? James Fowler has spoken to this at length. Combining theories of earlier theorists, he has noted that the earliest claim to faith is affiliative. Children make "professions of faith" to please their parents and feel a sense of unity with them. It is very doubtful that children really understand the notion of freely chosen conversion before early adolescence. How do we put all of this together to get some direction?

Follow the developmental curve. Meet children where they are. Do not moralize with them, and do not expect more than they are able to deliver. Keep discipline mild, and aim it towards learning such socialization skills as sharing in a polite and caring way. Do not expect little ones to be too selfless. Remember that childhood is not a race; the stages cannot be bypassed. Accept children where they are developmentally, and provide a warm nurturing environment. If we "teach from behind," letting the child's natural developmental stages take the lead, we will be doing the best we can to raise moral, responsible children who grow into moral, responsible adults.

Safety Education For Kids and Teens

I thought I was knowledgeable about the dangers our children face in our crazy mixed up world. After all I raised five special needs children as a single parent after my wife passed away. It was not until I read some articles about the dangers facing our children on the internet that I realized I was only seeing the tip of the iceberg.

Safety education for kids and teens is critical and should be on the top of every parent to do list. Parents must take action immediately to assure the safety of our kids not only on the internet but in other life events as well.

Here are some really frightening statistics from law enforcement agencies:

*When your child enters a chat room and engages in conversation with someone there is a 50% probability that the stranger they are talking to is a pedophile pretending to be a child.

*At any time you are on the internet there are over 5 million pedophiles online with you.

*Your child can gain instant access to 1.8 billion pornographic websites.

*Even if your child has no interest in porn sites there is a 25% chance your child will still be exposed to pornographic images without warning while surfing the net.

*Around 75% of our kids will share personal information over the internet that could cause them or their family to be at risk.

*33% of our children will be subjected to cyber bullying, a serious danger on the internet.

*41% of cyber bullying victims will not tell friends, family, or teachers about the incidents and will keep the pain and depression they are experiencing to themselves, sometimes resulting in suicide (Bullycide is the new term).

*Online predators target kids 14 and older 77% of the time. 22% are between 10 and 13 years of age.

So we take a sigh of relief when they shut off the computer and go outside to socialize.

Then I see that according to statistics from another source violent crime statistics:

*47 murders as a daily average are committed!

*257 reported forced rapes as a daily average are committed!

*1142 reported robberies as a daily average are committed!

*2364 reported aggravated assaults as a daily average are committed!

Like most statistical data found in research the stats above are a few years old. Ask yourself if you think things have gotten better or worse over the past few years? I thought you would say that and I agree that things have gotten worse.

With all of this in mind we must figure out a way to provide safety education for kids and teens. It is not an easy task.

A parent must judge at what stage of development each child they have is in and tailor the education towards that level of understanding. There is a fine line as to how much information to give a child who is functioning on the level of an 8 year old and the information you would give a child operating at a level of a 15 year old.

Financial Education For Kids

One of the differences between rich families and poor families is that rich families teach their children about how to be rich. However, there are ways to teach any child how to be better with a checkbook. There are, of course, books and sites to help your child create a business and succeed at it. One that comes to mind is "Rich Kid Smart Kid", by Robert Kiyosaki. Also the famous cashflow 101 for kids board game by the same author is definitely a great start.

Peak the kid interest in making money

Kids can generate their own cash flow. It's just a matter of teaching them the basics, and then encouraging them to try things. Before you let them loose, remember to show them a few things. The most obvious thing to show them is the advantages of having their own income. For example, they can buy their own clothes and toys, as well as food. Once they realize that they can pay for things themselves, their interest in making money will be peaked.

Show them where your money goes. Specifically, show them bills, and what each bill buys the household. Also, go over the food bill, and show how much food the family eats on a monthly basis. Although there will be some dispute whether some items (such as Brussels sprouts) should be on the list, and questions as to why others (such as pizza) aren't on the menu more often, you can show them why pizza and other fast food items aren't bought as often because of their cost compared to normal food.

Let them experiment business

Once you've shown them what money can buy them, and where money goes, give them a chance to experiment. There are several ways you can do this, depending on how old the children are and what you have available. There are a lot of options to lemonade and lawn-mowing, even though they aren't that bad to start with. They'll probably be more able to do service-oriented businesses, especially those that don't require a lot of skill, such as carrying small loads, baby-sitting, running errands, weeding, some farm chores, and, yes, lawn-mowing. Some kids even do well with a rent-a-kid service, where older adults just want someone to listen to them, or help them with basic chores.

Once they get their business off the floor, you can introduce the concept of advertising to them, to help expand their business, getting them new customers, to whatever limit you think they can handle. Also, don't be afraid about calling their customers to se how they are doing, just don't get obsessive about it or you may cost the kid customers. The input helps, especially if they have a product that they are selling.

And don't forget to set up a banking account specifically for the child's business. This allows you to show him how banking works, and gets him used to how a balance sheet works; both of these are obviously useful skills later on. The account will also teach the child about interest, and possibly fees, which can be frustrating, especially if the account is usually below the minimum balance. Also, when the business is shelved, the account can continue, allowing it to garner interest; enough interest and the account can help towards college.
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